A downloadable game for Windows

In this game you must survive in world after apocalypse. Travel and collect food, water and other items to help you on your journey. Your goal: find 13 alien artifacts to turn back time and prevent the apocalypse.
This ideas was a bit too big for a jam, so while it's finished and not very buggy, it's terribly unbalanced.

- Use left mouse button to pick items up and right mouse button to rotate them
- The brown bar is your food, blue bar is your water. When one of them gets to 0 or you get sick you start loosing health (represented by the red bar).
- You location is displayed in the upper-right corner
- Your currenlty held item is displayed below it
- The space under the health is inventory of your current location - when you move they all disappear!
- You can drop some items on other ones to combine them - for example gun and ammo


Inventory_Management.rar 1.7 MB

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